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Riverscapes Report Card - TauDEM 1.0.2

TauDEM is a package of tools developed by David Tarboton of Utah State University's Hydrology Research Group. This report card communicates the Riverscape appliation that utilizes TauDEM's algorithms/scripts compliance with the Riverscape Consortium's published tool standards.

Report Card Summary

| Tool | TauDEM - Terrain Analysis Using Digital Elevation Models | | Version | 1.0.2 Riverscapes application of TauDEM; version 5 of TauDEM itself | | Date | 2021-11-22 | | Assessment Team | Bailey, Wheaton & Gilbert | | Current Assessment |

Production Grade | | Target Status |
Production Grade | | Riverscapes Compliance |
Compliant| | Assessment Rationale | The TauDEM algorithms, as packaged here, can automatically perform terrain analyses at the HUC 8 scale, and produce riverscape projects containing the outputs that are compatible with RAVE, earning it Production Grade status. |

Report Card Details

This tool's discrimnation evaluation by the Riverscapes Consortium's is:

Evaluation Key: None or Not Applicable: • Minimal or In Progress: • Functional: • Fully Developed:

CriteriaValueEvaluationComments and/or Recommendations
Tool Interface(s) : CLI = Command Line Interface
ScaleCatchment scaleAlgorithms are performed on HUC 8 watershed scale DEMs
Language(s) and DependenciesPythonPackage dependencies are open source
Vetted in Peer-Reviewed LiteratureTauDEM is documented in various publications
Source Code DocumentationAvailable at Github repositorySource code is clearly organized and documented
Open Sourceopen-source with GNU General Public License v 3.0
User DocumentationDocumentation is in progressDocumentation has not been finished for the Riverscapes application of TauDEM, but the original version is well documented here
Easy User InterfaceTool is accessed via command promptThe tool is primarily run by North Arrow Research analysts. For a user to run this version of the tool themselves would require advanced understanding (programming capability) and significant documentation on the process.
Scalabilitybatch-processingTool is typically batch processed at the HUC 8 level
Produces Riverscapes ProjectsYesProduces Riverscapes Projects that are fully-compatible with RAVE

Tool Output Utility

RAVE- Compliant Riverscapes ProjectsYes
RAVE Business Logic DefinedYes
Riverscapes Projects hosted in public-facing Riverscapes Warehouse(s)Yes. Current TauDEM projects are being housed in the Riverscapes Warehouse.There is data in the warehouse, but is provisional and wider access to the warehouse is forthcoming
Riverscapes Projects connected to Web-Maps YesCurrent projects are viewable in WebRAVE through the Riverscapes Warehouse
Riverscapes Projects connected to Field AppsNo

Developer Intent


The Riverscapes Consortium's Technical Committee provides report cards for tools either deemed as "riverscapes-compliant" or "pending riverscapes-compliance".

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