Riverscapes Tools
Home page for riverscapes tools documentation
Use the list below to discover and learn more about tools related to riverscapes health. Use the filters to find tools that comply with the Riverscapes Consortium's tool standards, and that meet the tool grade that you are looking for.
Some of the tools are developed by the Riverscapes Consortium's own developers and these tools also have documentation on this website. Other tools listed below were developed by partners and collaborators.
Learn more about: tool grades and riverscapes standards and compliance.
Tool Grade
RC standards compliance level/grade
The Waterfall
The Riverscapes Consortium production-grade tools listed above can be chained together to create a "waterfall" that produces a riverscapes project. The Riverscapes Context tool is the first tool in the waterfall, and it is used to create a series of riverscapes projects focused on different aspects of riverscape health.
All models depend on an initial Riverscapes Context project that collects together the prerequisite national datasets for a given watershed. The dependencies of the other tools are shown in the waterfall diagram below. The Riverscapes Metric Engine collates metrics from the other tools to create a comprehensive assessment of riverscape health based on Discrete and Integrated Geographic Objects (DGO and IGO respectively).
The Riverscapes Consortium is committed to supporting users and consumers of these tool outputs. We encourage questions regarding tools and their use through our online support forum here. A free GitHub account is required to post to the discussion board but you can browse without an account.