Wave Pattern


A dump of some helpful materials


The Shapely buffer operation wasn't working until I installed it using pip but omitting the binaries. We were also getting an assertion failure during intersect opterations. Again, omitting binaries solved this problem.

See this post

pip uninstall shapely
pip install --no-binary :all: shapely

Convert ESRI GRID to GeoTIIF

Use this command:

gdalwarp -t_srs 'EPSG:26911' ./US_140EVT/us_140evt/ ./landfire.tif

Clip National Landfire to a HUC8

gdalwarp us_140evt ./test.tif -cutline ../../17040209/Shape/WBDHU8.shp -crop_to_cutline -t_srs "EPSG:26911"


Installed using terminal using the command:

pip install pygeoprocessing --no-deps --no-binary :all:

Also needed to install cython using PyCharm package manager and spatial indexing package using as per this post:

brew install spatialindex

Convert national landfire raster to compressed GeoTiff

gdal_translate -ot Int16 -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE ./US_140EVT_20180618/Grid/us_140evt ./test.tif

Download Jordan's old VBET projects

aws s3 sync s3://riverscapesdata . --exclude="" --include="/VBET/*" --dryrun


[BLM Surface Management Agency] geodatabase was downloaded and then the "surface management layer exported to shapefile (and reprpojected) using the following command:

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" ~/GISData/NationalProject/ownership/surface_management_agency.shp ~/GISData/BLM_Owneership/BLM_National_Surface_Management_Agency/sma_wm.gdb SurfaceManagementAgency -t_srs 'EPSG:4269' -select 'ADMIN_AGENCY_CODE'



PRISM on Science Base

Canopy Cover

Downloaded the 2016 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) from Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics web site. Got there from the USGS Land Cover Institute (LCI).

Running nested scripts

Use the following syntax to run scripts that are in subfolders, but run them from the parent folder in the context of that parent folder. This makes it possible for nested python scritps to refer to other nested libraries and still find these libraries when running the script directly.

Note the lib below is the folder name but it is separated by a period and not a directory separator. And there is no .py file suffix needed.

python -m lib.build_vrt arg1 arg2 arg3


  1. Downloaded the Landfire 2 REMAP dataset as multiple, overlapping tiles. Make sure to change the raster format to GTiff before commencing any of the downloads.
  2. Used the pyBRAT4 tool to build a single VRT file that references each GTiff.
  3. Performed gdal_translate to convert the VRT into a single compressed GTiff.
  4. Performed gdal_warp to reproject the raster.
  5. Re-ran gdal_translate to compress the reprojcted raster (because gdal_warp produces bloated rasters).
gdal_translate -ot Int16 -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE ./landfire.vrt ./landfire_vrt.tif
gdalwarp -t_srs 'EPSG:4326' ./landfire_vrt_comp.tif ./landfire_vrt_warp.tif
gdal_translate -ot Int16 -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE ./landfire_vrt_warp.if ./landfire_vrt_warp_trans.tif

Warehouse RS Context download

rscli download ~/GISData/brat/rs_context/17060204 --type RSContext --meta huc8=17060204 --verbose
rscli download ~/GISData/BRAT/brat/17040201 --type BRAT --meta huc8=17040201 --verbose --file-filter "Outputs" --no-delete

Update the CLI

npm install -g @riverscapes/cli

Other options

NO_UI is an environment variable that, if set, will disable all colours and progress bars. This is mostly to create cleaner log files for headless runs.

Wave Pattern

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