Wave Pattern

Moving Window Analysis

What is it?

Moving window analysis is used in segmenting reaches of valley bottom to measure metrics. Moving window analysis means that we can take a measurement at set distances along a reach (i.e. every 50 meters). This allows for virtually any segmentation that a user may want in multiples of 50 meters. For example, a 250 meter analysis window would mean the incorporation of five 50 meter segments- two on either side of the node:

As one moves downstream, the focus node moves 50 meters, and the analysis window therefore also moves 50 meters while remaining 250 meters in the longitudinal direction. This method allows for flexibility in segmentation, metric statistics (i.e. mean, max, min, etc. of a metric within the analysis window or from every node), and choices on how to represent metrics depending on project needs.

How does it work?

Wave Pattern

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