active_channel_area | Active Channel Area | REAL | Square meters | Total area of active channel within the DGO/analysis window |
active_channel_prop(ortion) | Active Channel Proportion | REAL | Ratio | Proportion of DGO/analysis window that is active channel |
floodplain_area | Floodplain Area | REAL | Square meters | Total area of floodplain (valley bottom - active channel) within the DGO/analysis window |
floodplain_prop(ortion) | Floodplain Proportion | REAL | Ratio | Proportion of DGO/analysis window that is floodplain |
low_lying_floodplain_area | Low-Lying Floodplain Area | REAL | Square meters | Total area of low-lying floodplain within the DGO/analysis window |
low_lying_floodplain_prop(ortion) | Low-Lying Floodplain Proportion | REAL | Ratio | Proportion of DGO/analysis window that is topographically low-lying floodplain |
elevated_floodplain_area | Elevated Floodplain Area | REAL | Square meters | Total area of elevated Floodplain within the DGO/analysis window |
elevated_floodplain_prop(ortion) | Elevated Floodplain Proportion | REAL | Ratio | Proportion of DGO/analysis window that is elevated floodplain |
integrated_width | Integrated Width | REAL | Meters | Integrated width calculated as window_area / centerline length (average width of the DGO/analysis window) |
active_channel_itgr_width | Active Channel Integrated Width | REAL | Meters | Active channel area divided by centerline length within the DGO/analysis window (average width of active channel) |
floodplain_itgr_width | Floodplain Integrated Width | REAL | Meters | Floodplain area divided by centerline length within the DGO/analysis window (average width of floodplain) |
vb_acreage_per_mile | Valley Bottom Acreage per Mile | REAL | acres/mile | Window area converted to acres and divided by centerline length converted to miles |
vb_hectares_per_km | Valley Bottom Hectares per Kilometer | REAL | hectares/km | Window area converted to hectares and divided by centerline length converted to kilometers |
low_lying_floodplain_itgr_width | Low-Lying Floodplain Integrated Width | REAL | Meters | Low-lying floodplain area divided by centerline length within the DGO/analysis window (average width of low-lying floodplain) |
elevated_floodplain_itgr_width | Elevated Floodplain Integrated Width | REAL | Meters | Elevated floodplain area divided by centerline length within the DGO/analysis window (average width of elevated floodplain) |
low_lying_acreage_per_mile | Low-Lying Acreage per Mile | REAL | acres/mile | Low-lying floodplain area converted to acres and divided by centerline length converted to miles |
low_lying_hectares_per_km | Low-Lying Hectares per Kilometer | REAL | hectares/km | Low-lying floodplain area converted to hectares and divided by centerline length converted to kilometers |
elevated_acreage_per_mile | Elevated Acreage per Mile | REAL | acres/mile | Elevated floodplain area converted to acres and divided by centerline length converted to miles |
elevated_hectares_per_km | Elevated Hectares per Kilometer | REAL | hectares/km | Elevated floodplain area converted to hectares and divided by centerline length converted to kilometers |