Wave Pattern

VBET Metrics


DGO/IGO Fields

FieldData TypeUnitsDescription
level_path*TEXTN/AUnique identifier for a given stream from where it begins to where it ends
seg_distanceREALMetersDistance along a given level_path. The combination of level path and seg_distance uniquely identifies a DGO/IGO
segment_areaREALSquare metersArea of the DGO
centerline_lengthREALMetersLength of the centerline of the DGO/analysis window
window_areaREALSquare metersArea of the analysis window (a group of DGOs)
FCode*INTEGERN/AA code representing the flow type (e.g., perennial, intermittent, ephemeral) for the main flowline within the DGO/analysis window
  • These fields are NHD fields that are used by default, but in custom runs utlizing different datasets can be substituted for other field names.


The following metrics are calculated individually for each DGO polygon and/or within an analysis window (comprised of several DGOs) and attributed to the corresponding IGO point.

FieldMetricData TypeUnitsDescription
active_channel_areaActive Channel AreaREALSquare metersTotal area of active channel within the DGO/analysis window
active_channel_prop(ortion)Active Channel ProportionREALRatioProportion of DGO/analysis window that is active channel
floodplain_areaFloodplain AreaREALSquare metersTotal area of floodplain (valley bottom - active channel) within the DGO/analysis window
floodplain_prop(ortion)Floodplain ProportionREALRatioProportion of DGO/analysis window that is floodplain
low_lying_floodplain_areaLow-Lying Floodplain AreaREALSquare metersTotal area of low-lying floodplain within the DGO/analysis window
low_lying_floodplain_prop(ortion)Low-Lying Floodplain ProportionREALRatioProportion of DGO/analysis window that is topographically low-lying floodplain
elevated_floodplain_areaElevated Floodplain AreaREALSquare metersTotal area of elevated Floodplain within the DGO/analysis window
elevated_floodplain_prop(ortion)Elevated Floodplain ProportionREALRatioProportion of DGO/analysis window that is elevated floodplain
integrated_widthIntegrated WidthREALMetersIntegrated width calculated as window_area / centerline length (average width of the DGO/analysis window)
active_channel_itgr_widthActive Channel Integrated WidthREALMetersActive channel area divided by centerline length within the DGO/analysis window (average width of active channel)
floodplain_itgr_widthFloodplain Integrated WidthREALMetersFloodplain area divided by centerline length within the DGO/analysis window (average width of floodplain)
vb_acreage_per_mileValley Bottom Acreage per MileREALacres/mileWindow area converted to acres and divided by centerline length converted to miles
vb_hectares_per_kmValley Bottom Hectares per KilometerREALhectares/kmWindow area converted to hectares and divided by centerline length converted to kilometers
low_lying_floodplain_itgr_widthLow-Lying Floodplain Integrated WidthREALMetersLow-lying floodplain area divided by centerline length within the DGO/analysis window (average width of low-lying floodplain)
elevated_floodplain_itgr_widthElevated Floodplain Integrated WidthREALMetersElevated floodplain area divided by centerline length within the DGO/analysis window (average width of elevated floodplain)
low_lying_acreage_per_mileLow-Lying Acreage per MileREALacres/mileLow-lying floodplain area converted to acres and divided by centerline length converted to miles
low_lying_hectares_per_kmLow-Lying Hectares per KilometerREALhectares/kmLow-lying floodplain area converted to hectares and divided by centerline length converted to kilometers
elevated_acreage_per_mileElevated Acreage per MileREALacres/mileElevated floodplain area converted to acres and divided by centerline length converted to miles
elevated_hectares_per_kmElevated Hectares per KilometerREALhectares/kmElevated floodplain area converted to hectares and divided by centerline length converted to kilometers
Wave Pattern

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